Vileda Downpress Bucket and Wringer — Three Star

Vileda Downpress Bucket and Wringer

$165.00 CAD
SKU 134719
  • Vileda Professional buckets are manufactured from high quality plastic that is injection molded.
  • Unlike conventional foam buckets, our buckets are absolutely smooth, strong, durable, and easy-to-clean and sanitize which reduces breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Gears and pressure plates, fiber reinforced nylon.
  • Quiet, smooth operation, easy to work with and ideal for high standards of cleaning.
  • More efficient wringing; also avoids water splashing on the floor.
  • Single bail carry handle eliminates pinching problem.
  • Durable ball bearing casters provide smooth, easy movement.
  • Accommodates all wet mop sizes 340 g to 900 g / 12 oz to 32 oz and fits all bucket types and sizes.
  • Reduces need to stock different wringers resulting in less inventory.
  • Convenient opening for mop access, extended casters for stability.
  • Extended casters minimize possibility of tipping.
  • The durable stain resistant one piece construction is easy to clean and sanitize and does not provide a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Downward pressure wringer forces water into bucket more effectively.